An Icon of Progress and Development

It was then that
Francisco G. Nietes, as Officer of the Ministry of Interior and Local
Government(MILG) took his designation as OIC Mayor of Laua-an for one week,
hence, marked the shortest reign on the history of Laua-an's executive
pedestal. A sort of power struggle interrupted ma anticipated smooth
transition. Jose B. Bantolo, being the incumbent Vice Mayor then, invoked his
right of assumption by virtue of the Law of Succession. The other contender,
Andres Maglugan, conceded the dispute I favour of the legal successor. He then
preferred to go back to Military Service with the Coast Guard. In the
aftermath, Mayor Bantolo ascended to the Mayoralty seat as OIC on October 28,
1986 until February 6, 1987. He took a 3 –month official leave for
hospitalization February to May of 1987. By that time, Basilio N. Ungsod, a
member of the Municipal Council took over as OIC Mayor of Laua-an. Mayor
"Joe" Bantolo reassumed his position on May until November 1987. As
an electoral mrequisite, Bantolo resigned the OIC post somewhere on November of
1987 as he signified his intention to run as mayoralty candidate in the forthcoming
election. In lieu of his resignation, Francisco C. Villafuerte from the Department
of Local Government was appointed OIC Mayor of the Municipality from December of
1987 to January 18, 1988. When a local election was conducted, Rafael Baladjay
emerged victorious in the mayoralty race. He then served his tenure of seven
years from January of 1988 to June 30, 1995. Time favours those who learn to
wait... Seems to be destined by fate, Andres J. Magluyan had been given the peoples'
mandate, to serve as mayor of the municipality. Could this be heaven's reward
for being meek and humble? Who can tell. He held the position for a nine years
that was July 1, 1995 to June 30, 2004. The succeeding term of service fell on
the shoulder of Aser S. Baladjay. He started his remarkable leadership as the
town's chief executive on July 1, 2004, and eventually completed his three terms
of 9 years as an undefeated mayor of Laua-an. He relinquished the executive
seat on June 30, 2013. And as the preludes to the centenary subsided, the
crowning glory of Laua- an's grandeur blossomed with the reign of the
Centennial Mayor, the Honorable FranciscoG. Baladjay Jr. — July 1, 2013 to the
source:Laua-an, Antique, Philippines
source:Laua-an, Antique, Philippines
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